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To simplify your browsing experience, please click on the category below to help you access your area of interest as quickly and easily as possible. Hope you find exactly what you need, and if not, give us a shout here, and we’ll do our best to make it happen!

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You have a message...

It may be a story, or perhaps you want to give your business or your blog a voice, or get social media exposure for your product or service?
Your website, blog or social media platforms speak for you, to people you don’t know, in places well beyond your geographical scope. Needless to say, the quality of your content will decide the impression these people get of you or your business – you only get one shot at that all-important first impression.

We can help!

At Words Count, we offer a diverse range of comprehensive services to help you get your name and brand out. Maybe you don’t even have a name or a brand yet, and you want help to bring your concept to fruition?  With our custom service, you’ll soon have everything from a logo, business cards and basic branding (colours, styles and fonts), to a live website and social media presence.

Or, if you would like to see how Words Count can improve your existing content, or write fresh, informative content for your business, blog or website, contact us now for a custom quote and allow us to put the magic in your message. Whether you need help writing content for your blog or your business, or creating graphics that work – your content should be professional, engaging and well researched, while preserving the power of your message. Words Count offers professional writing, editing, graphic and web design, at competitive rates, within your deadline. So, how can we help you?

You can find our Terms & Conditions Here 

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